Sunday, January 11, 2009

Idiot's Guide to Online Money Making

Idiot's Guide to Online Money Making 

I used this title not to offend anyone! I named it 'Idiot's Guide to Online Money Making' because I'm making you aware of all the scams and fraud-filled programs out there, to help you out, and most importantly, to help you become richer! 

P-T-C Websites 

First off, let me tell you something right off the bat: Paid-To-Click websites are 10% dependable and 90% time wasters. You get $0.01 cent an ad, they only provide about 6 ads a day, referral signups only get you $0.005 cents, and it takes forever (with some) to cash out or even meet their minimum cahsout quota. I have spent a rough total of 50+ hours using PTC websites, getting nowhere. I strongly do NOT recommend them! 

P-T-S Websites 

Paid-To-Signup websites are another no-no. For one thing, they take a long time (depending on the type), and they usually ask for too much personal information! I have experienced in this field of Paid-To's, and this type of P-T is not good to use. I have spent a good deal of time on these P-T-S websites, and they all failed, and I have gotten nothing! 

P-T-R Websites 

Paid to write websites are a very good type of P-T websites. They may cost you a small amount of your time to be taken from you, but like, you will receive instant payments, without having to wait till the end of the month or every 2 weeks like some other programs. 

That is pretty much all you need to know for now, well, until you get your first 10 paychecks! I'll talk to you all later, be sure to leave a comment, this took a long time to write!*Fingers break; starts typing with his nose*=) 

Hopefully I will post a second edition of this next month!

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